@inbook{Tre2013, Author = {Trefke, Jörn and Dänekas, Christian}, Title = {Development of Smart Grid Architectures}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {63-83}, Month = {01}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Power Systems}, Isbn = {978-3-642-34915-7}, Booktitle = {Standardization in Smart Grids: Introduction to IT-Related Methodologies, Architectures and Standards}, type = {inbook}, note = {Because of new producer-, storage- and demand side management systems which are introduced for a Smart Grid, new data pools, interfaces and processes, arise. Existing legacy systems have to interact with new systems, therefore, the functional and process }, Abstract = {Because of new producer-, storage- and demand side management systems which are introduced for a Smart Grid, new data pools, interfaces and processes, arise. Existing legacy systems have to interact with new systems, therefore, the functional and process logic of the power system will be distributed in a more complex way. Information and communication technologies will be required to realize these complex interactions. Developing such a complex system architecture requires a structured approach, which considers the various stakeholders’ concerns. Accordingly, a fundamental architecture management of the system landscape as well as a process overview needs to be established by energy suppliers. This chapter presents an introduction and basics on this topic.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }