@proceedings{2012, Title = {Project SOOP: Safe Offshore Operations}, Year = {2012}, Month = {10}, Publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation e.V.}, Organization = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON)}, type = {proceedings}, note = {The installation and maintenance of offshore wind farms are complex processes that involve many different actors under harsh environmental conditions. Such nautical operations set high demands on employees dealing with uncertainty and risks for personnel }, Abstract = {The installation and maintenance of offshore wind farms are complex processes that involve many different actors under harsh environmental conditions. Such nautical operations set high demands on employees dealing with uncertainty and risks for personnel and material. Recent events/accidents, the lack of standardization and the working environment involving nautical and non-nautical personnel increase the demand to ensure offshore safety. According to this, the project association SOOP develops methods and tools to support planning and implementation of offshore operations with regard to safety. The SOOP tools integrate various aspects that allow analysing requirements for safety standards. For planning and risk assessment we implement methods and IT tools to describe and simulate offshore operations including human behaviour and estimate relevant risks as well as potential critical situations. In a first step, the profound process knowledge is used for training of nautical and non-nautical personnel. In a further step, this process knowledge can be used to identify and predict critical trends on board; during offshore operations an assistant system based on a wireless sensor network supports the bridge management by providing pre-analysed real-time information adjusted to the information receiver. Hereby, the developed tools for situation analysis and data fusion constitute an important outcome of the project association by integrating human and environmental factors for operational safety. Thus, before offshore implementation the IT-based planning tools help to identify and avoid potential risks and support safety training of employees. In addition, an assistant system supports the operations offshore by observing and processing relevant information such as the status of the crew and machines. By integration of process knowledge and a sensor-based situation analysis, we aim to enhance the safety during implementation significantly through targeted surveillance and warning. The objective of SOOP is to increase safety of personnel and processes as well as to minimize costs by increasing efficiency by an integrated IT-based mission and risk management.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }