@inproceedings{Pie2011, Author = {Pielawa, Lukas and Poppen, Frank and Hein, Andreas}, Title = {Virtual Prototype of a Personal Medical Device – Simulation of a Multi Nature System}, Year = {2011}, Month = {02}, Organization = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cpmns11/cms/}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {The Nephron+ consortium is currently working on the development of a personal wearable device for renal replacement therapy. This device will allow for a continuous replacement of renal function, keep toxins level in blood low and therefore reduce mortali}, Abstract = {The Nephron+ consortium is currently working on the development of a personal wearable device for renal replacement therapy. This device will allow for a continuous replacement of renal function, keep toxins level in blood low and therefore reduce mortality and morbidity. As this system incorporates a vast diversity of fluidic, mechanical and biochemical components, it is fairly complex to understand its functionality, interactions and interdependencies. Therefore, in this work we present our decision to excessively simulate the system to predict the functional and non-functional behavior. Furthermore, the influence on the patient’s physiology is modeled. We present a methodology to simulate the multinature system with commercially available tools. This allows the very early estimation of technical system requirements and thereby enables the selection of compatible (commercial of the shelf) COTS-components for the system under development (SUD).} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }