@inproceedings{Pop2010, Author = {Poppinga, Benjamin and Pielot, Martin and Henze, Niels and Boll, Susanne}, Title = {Unsupervised User Observation in the App Store: Experiences with the Sensor-based Evaluation of a Mobile Pedestrian Navigation Application}, Year = {2010}, Month = {10}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Traditional methods to observe a participant during a field study are often not very scalable and obtrusive. Given the facts of more and more available smart phones and mobile distribution channels, e.g. Apple App Store, the emerging logging observation }, Abstract = {Traditional methods to observe a participant during a field study are often not very scalable and obtrusive. Given the facts of more and more available smart phones and mobile distribution channels, e.g. Apple App Store, the emerging logging observation method gains an increasing attention. In this paper we report on our experiences of conducting a user study in the Android Market by relying on the logging methodology, and thus on sensors of a common mobile smart phone. Based on our preliminary findings we identify the major challenges a researcher needs to face, when an in-market study should be conducted.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }