@inproceedings{Gri2010, Author = {Griessnig, Gerhard and Mader, Roland and Peikenkamp, Thomas and Josko, Bernhard and Törngren, Martin and Armengaud, Eric}, Title = {CESAR - Cost-Efficient Methods and Processes for Safety Relevant Embedded Systems}, Year = {2010}, Month = {03}, Publisher = {WEKA Fachmedien}, Booktitle = {Proceedings Embedded World Conference 2010}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {The development of industrial embedded systems is led by two a-priori contradictory constraints: minimizing the costs while maximizing product quality. This last point is especially relevant in the context of safety-critical systems where a critical produ}, Abstract = {The development of industrial embedded systems is led by two a-priori contradictory constraints: minimizing the costs while maximizing product quality. This last point is especially relevant in the context of safety-critical systems where a critical product failure can harm people, environment or property and has therefore to be avoided. The management of such requirements can only be achieved with a maturing of the engineering disciplines including the improvement and standardization of the methods and development processes. This paper presents an overview and discusses the objectives of the recently started CESAR project, which goal is to improve the development process of safetycritical embedded systems. Regrouping 55 partners, this consortium moreover aims at contributing to standardization efforts from a European perspective.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }