@inproceedings{Tob2010, Author = {Toben, Tobe}, Title = {A Formal Model of Reliable Sensor Perception}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {94-107}, Month = {11}, Editor = {P. Lukowitz, G. Kortuem, K. Kunze}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {LNCS}, Edition = {6446}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {The safety of autonomously acting systems depends on a reliable assessment of the systems' context. We propose a framework to formalise and analyse both qualitative and quantitative measures of the context quality in terms of safety and precision. The mea}, Abstract = {The safety of autonomously acting systems depends on a reliable assessment of the systems' context. We propose a framework to formalise and analyse both qualitative and quantitative measures of the context quality in terms of safety and precision. The measures are based on order-theoretic arguments by relating the ground truth (as given by the real environment) with the context information (as inferred by the sensors). We derive a hierarchy of qualitative notions that can serve as a high-level requirement description for the sensor and controller implementation of the system. The quantitative part of the framework then allows for an evaluation of a probabilistic variant of the sensor regarding its safety and precision. We in particular treat the analysis of sensor fusion based on evidence theory. } } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }