@inproceedings{Tob2007, Author = {Toben, Tobe}, Title = {Non-Interference Properties for Data-Type Reduction of Communicating Systems}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {619-638}, Month = {07}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {LNCS}, Edition = {4591}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {An increasing interest in \"Systems of Systems\", that is, Systems comprising a varying number of interconnected sub-systems, raises the need for automated verification techniques for dynamic process creation and a changing communication topology.}, Abstract = {An increasing interest in \"Systems of Systems\", that is, Systems comprising a varying number of interconnected sub-systems, raises the need for automated verification techniques for dynamic process creation and a changing communication topology. In previous work, we developed a verification approach that is based on finitary abstraction via Data-Type Reduction. To be effective in practice, the abstraction has to be complemented by non-trivial assumptions about valid communication behaviour, so-called non-interference lemmata. In this paper, we mechanise the generation and validation of these kind of non-interference properties by integrating ideas from communication observation and counter abstraction. We thereby provide a fully automatic procedure to substantially increase the precision of the abstraction. We explain our approach in terms of a modelling language for dynamic communication systems, and use a running example of a car platooning system to demonstrate the effectiveness of our extensions.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }