@inproceedings{Sta2001, Author = {Stammermann, Ansgar and Kruse, Lars and Nebel, Wolfgang and Pratsch, Alexander and Schmidt, Eike and Schulte, Milan and Schulz, Arne}, Title = {System Level Optimization and Design Space Exploration for Low Power}, Year = {2001}, Month = {01}, Organization = {14th INternational Symposium on System Synthesis (ISSS), Montreal, Canada, Sept. 30.-Oct.3, 2001. - New York, N.Y.: ACM}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {We present a software tool for power dissipation analysis and optimization on the algorithmic abstraction level from C/C++ and VHDL descriptions. An analysis is most efficient on such a high level since the influence of design decisions on the power deman}, Abstract = {We present a software tool for power dissipation analysis and optimization on the algorithmic abstraction level from C/C++ and VHDL descriptions. An analysis is most efficient on such a high level since the influence of design decisions on the power demand increases with increasing abstraction. The ORINOCO tool enables to compare different but functionally equivalent algorithms and bindings to RT-level architectures with respect to power consumption. The results of the optimized binding can be used to guide synthesis. In the experimental evaluation we compare the predicted optimization trend with synthesized implementations and prove the accuracy of our methodology and tool.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }