@inproceedings{Ber2015, Author = {Bertram Wortelen Christian van Göns}, Title = {Automatic Creation of a HLA Simulation Infrastructure for Simulation-Based UI Evaluation in Rapid UI Prototyping Processes}, Year = {2015}, Month = {2}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI)}, type = {inproceedings}, note = {Evaluating user interfaces with virtual user models is a means for rapid prototyping. Setting up a simulation environment for virtual user models often requires high effort due to the heterogeneous simulation tools. Furthermore the frequent reconfiguratio}, Abstract = {Evaluating user interfaces with virtual user models is a means for rapid prototyping. Setting up a simulation environment for virtual user models often requires high effort due to the heterogeneous simulation tools. Furthermore the frequent reconfigurations of the simulation due to the rapid changes of the user interface prototypes impose a high amount of workload upon the user. In particular the manual reconfiguration of the communication between the simulation components is very complex and error prone. Small changes to the user interface often results in changes in the communication of several components. Our solution is the automatic generation of the communication data description for all simulation components. The solution is illustrated with two scenarios from the maritime domain. These scenarios deal with collision avoidance trategies and new concepts for route exchanges between ships and vessel traffic service centres. With the automated generation process it is more efficient to evaluate rapidly build user interface prototypes. Furthermore it facilitates handling the emerging changes, that are required in the complex simulation configurations.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }