@incollection{Bie1999, Author = {Bienmüller, T. and Bohn, J. and Brinkmann, H. and Brockmeyer, U. and Damm, W. and Hungar, H. and Jansen, P.}, Title = {Verification of Automotive Control Units}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {319-341}, Month = {01}, Editor = {Springer Verlag}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Series = {LNCS}, Booktitle = {Correct System Design}, type = {incollection}, note = {This paper describes the application of model-checking based verification tools to specification models of automotive control units. It firstly discusses the current state of a tool set which copes with discrete controllers described in Statemate, and the}, Abstract = {This paper describes the application of model-checking based verification tools to specification models of automotive control units. It firstly discusses the current state of a tool set which copes with discrete controllers described in Statemate, and then reports on proposed extensions currently under development to deal with hybrid ones which involve continuous values, too. First results based on an extension of abstraction techniques to verify such units are reported.} } @COMMENT{Bibtex file generated on }